Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Take That, Rewind It Back!

When I first saw a pic of Kelis with her new hair, I knew I had something to say, that something was kicking up in that old brain of mine. She was reminding me of something. Or maybe my love for someone who strives on being different, who I expect to be different canceled all other thoughts and opinions out. And then I read this blurb from the ladies over at
  • Go Fug Yourself:

  • "...but what hit me most about this photo is that when I first saw it, I thought, "Huh, so Eva Pigford is modeling after all!"

    That is not good, Kelis. For one thing, even Eva Pigford -- sorry, "Eva Marcille," because that's really going to make us forget the amusing nasal aptness of her old surname -- has abandoned the cheap, crusty-looking bleach and colored her hair back to its natural brown. And for another, you are Kelis. Nobody should be mistaking you for anyone, least of all Eva Pigcille. Your milkshake brought all those boys to the yard; now, they're going to get there, take one look at you, and bolt, thinking you're a struggling Top Model winner and not a kick-ass pot of sass.

    Please correct this."

    Yeah, sounds about right.

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