Saturday, October 06, 2007

This is how we do it.

Yes it is Mr. Johnson. You don't even know...

Now if you visit this blog often, you know that old school jams are more often than not posted under the "Old School Funk for the True Funk Soldiers" headline. But sometimes old school joints are so good, so well put together, so classic to a brotha, [see Montell Jordan's This is how we do it] that all I can do is marvel at their goodness as they boldly play on and show us how's it done. This jam, presented below, is one such example.

Riding in the car with boys. Day off. Saturday afternoon. Post Friday. Post drinking. Post Blade Runner Director's Cut at the Landmark. Post mid-afternoon brunch at Hometown Buffet.

ZMann: I saw Steve Seagal in concert once. It was pretty good.
Tdizzle: Yeah I hear he's got some good blues thing going on.
Zmann: Yeah I gotta get me some more Steven Segal.
Tdizzle: And some more of Keanu Reeves' stuff with his band...and Kevin Bacon's band...
Josh: And Russell Crowe's band.
Tdizzle and Zmann [In "agreeance"]: Yes! And Russell Crowe's band.
Tdizzle: And don't forget dude from Miami Vice.
Zmann: Jamie Foxx?
Tdizzle: No. The tv show.
Zmann: Oh...
Tdizzle: "HEARTBEEEEAAAATTT!" That shit is awesome.

Yes, yes it is.

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