Wednesday, September 20, 2006

QUESTION: Tell me what you think about me

Clay Aiken's response to the question of whether or not he is gay from People magazine:

"What do you say (to that question)? … It's like when I was 8. I remember something would get broken in the house, and Mom and Dad would call me in and say, 'Did you do this?' Well, it didn't matter what I said. The only thing they would believe was yes. … People are going to believe what they want."

Now normally I would insert my opinion on the matter here and/or what I think his sexuality is, but everybody knows that you do not, I repeat DO NOT mess with Clay Aiken or you will have hell to pay. His fans ain't no joke. They will come after your ass.

1 comment:

Sleazy Ain't Easy said...

I bought that album. EW gave it a D. I like it. That's worse than saying I bought Paris Hilton I think. However, I would never label myself as a "Claymaniac" by any means.