Thursday, September 07, 2006

Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!

Kelis knows what she is doing. And she knows who she is. And we all know a Kelis or know who Kelis is too. We all went to high school or college with that Black chick with the eccentric and different -yet sexy and fashionable- clothing, fly haircut, Blondie pin, and SWV on her mixtape. It's why we all love Kelis. She came out screaming, head full of colorful curls in afro form, then she brought all the boys to the yard by reveling in her feminity. Now that fly-ass independent chick from high school has gone and done the unthinkable: she nabbed herself a suitor. And call me crazy, but I think he gets her.

Kelis Blindfold ft Nas Me (Official Video)

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