Thursday, December 27, 2007

Just fine.

Little known fact: I can't get enough of this song. [or the first half of her new album for that matter.]

Glad to see that I'm not alone:

  • POPWATCH: NBC's David Gregory is my (funky) new hero

    Teresa said...

    At first, I actually thought that man was black, high yellow but black. But then, I was like wait, no that dude looks white enough to be Trent Lott's brother or somethin...

    Guess I jumped to blackness, since he was just too free with the slide movements and spinning around in a circle and such!

    That man must love that song, as he should, as should everyone. Mary J is infectious, I tell you!

    TheBlacks said...

    I agree - He was jammin' harder than Mary J Blige.