Friday, June 01, 2007


We're this close to getting that new Prince track!

"...First, the new record. Though the details, at this point, are a bit scant, we know it's called Planet Earth, and we know that the lead single, "Guitar", is now available for exclusive download through Verizon Wireless. But get this: to get the song, you've gotta hold your phone (which must be V-Cast enabled, which translates, roughly, to "fancy") up to your computer speakers while the "Guitar" video is playing. On some Tron-ass shit, your phone will not only recognize the track, but ask if you'd like to download it for free."

Now as an avid Prince fan, I normally embrace many of the decisions the man chooses to make, but at the moment even I am having a hard time resisting the urge to suck my teeth and roll my eyes.

  • PITCHFORK: Prince: Perfumer. Macy's Shopper. Verizon Subscriber.
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