Monday, August 18, 2008

Wild Thang.

I remember discovering and then falling in love with My Morning Jacket's last album Z.

I remember purchasing Evil Urges earlier this year, walking away unimpressed with what was presented to me at the outset.

I remember not giving up on it, coming back to it, letting it grow, not show.

I remember being a "dick" to my friends. Skipping out on a Saturday afternoon to stay indoors, read the paper, Vanity Fair, and a book while getting my full length album play on.

I remember selecting Evil Urges, letting "that bitch breathe" so to speak, loving the disc more and more as it went on.

And what I remember most of all was how, after a two or three song block of songs that did nothing for me, this one track grabbed my attention, made me close my book and go "okay My Morning Jacket. I see you..."

And so did its video.

New flava in ya ear!

My Morning Jacket.

touch me i'm going to scream pt.2.

You gotta admit, that's one of the greatest music videos you've seen in a minute, right?


Please make sure you are familiar with Part 1:

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