Monday, September 08, 2008

Let's talk about sex!

FILE UNDER: One Pure Thought/A Quick Peep/A Moment of Clarity/PRIMARIES: Out of the Races & Onto the Tracks!/Quote of the Day!

Or not...

Today's moment of clarity comes from commenter bananaballs over at Jezebel:

"Man, I remember Sex in the 90's, when they had bisexuals and gays and the curious, like, living in Seattle or Nebraska or WHEREVER, and the young adults and teens didn't look like porn stars/Jessica Simpson, and they talked about condoms and AIDS/STD prevention, and there was Pedro Zamora, and everyone was encouraged to talk about these things in an intelligent way, like it was OKAY to be smart and have sex and there were no stigmas. How did it regress to this, people? Fuck you MTV, I am holding you responsible, because you knew better."

HAHA! That's what's up!

  • JEZEBEL: MTV VMAs: 70 Seconds Worth Watching
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