Monday, September 29, 2008


FILE UNDER: PRIMARIES: Out of the Races & Onto the Tracks!(?)

I don’t know if you two have heard, but the never ending War on Christianity has reared its ugly head again. And yes, I had to google some information contained within this e-mail to see if this was truly legit and not SPAM [$600 Million Dollars?! Oh word? Pardon me for thinking this number was a jab and/or play on the $700 Million bailout plan], cause after reading the first paragraph in bold, I was convinced it was spam. Not being sacrilegious or anything, just calling it like I see it. And when you get a minute, look this Capital Visitors Center up. It sounds like some governmental Willie Wonka Chocolate Factory or something. Not being unpatriotic, just calling it like I see it...

From our office's inbox to your computer screen, this is the Rick Scarborough Report!

The Latest Front in the War on Christianity

Nothing shocks me anymore, but this latest revelation regarding our Nation's new Capitol Visitors Center set me back. Once again, the political correctness crowd is attempting to re-write our history and apparently they are succeeding. Using your tax dollars, they are hiding the wonderful things our great God has done in our past as they greet visitors from around the world when telling our story. Their job is to simply tell the truthful and factual account of our nation's heritage including the role that God played, but instead it appears there is a concerted effort to obscure facts that do not validate the godless secular agenda of some.

Congress is spending over $600 million dollars to create the Capitol Visitors Center. It would appear that they are hiding our religious history from the visitors. Among the references to God or religious history omitted from the Capitol Visitor Center is the current national motto, "In God We Trust", which does not appear in any presentation in the Capitol Visitor Center despite its prominent display in the House and Senate Chambers. 108 Members of Congress, including Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, have signed a letter to the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) expressing their concerns with the incomplete historical content in the Capitol Visitor Center regarding our nation's religious history

"Our concern is not just with the Capitol Visitor Center, but with increasing pattern of attempts to remove references to our religious heritage from our nation's capital. The Capitol Visitor Center is just one example of efforts to censor God, faith, and religion from our historical buildings, documents, and ceremonies," said Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04), Founder and Chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus.

Along with the omission of "In God We Trust" are factual inaccuracies regarding Capitol church services and the exclusion of the reference to "religion, morality, and knowledge" in the Northwest Ordinance. In addition, the Capitol Visitor Center includes photos from Earth Day, an AIDS rally, various casino grounds and factories, but it does not include photos from monumental religious events such as the National Day of Prayer or the March for Life event, attended by thousands annually, among other things.

The Congressional Prayer Caucus has been at the forefront in preventing the obstruction of the phrase "Laus Deo", or "Praise Be to God," at the Washington Monument, fighting attempts of the Architect of the Capitol to censor the word "God" on Congressional flag certificates, and fighting to reverse a decision to strip the mention of God from flag-folding ceremonies at veterans' funerals.

"Historical buildings like the Capitol Visitor Center are there to tell the story of our nation. When religious history is removed from these displays, the American public is not able to observe an accurate depiction of our nation's story," said Forbes. "We owe it to those who have gone before us and to our future generations to provide a complete representation of our nation's heritage. We will continue to fight until this is achieved in the Capitol Visitor Center."


  • WIKIPEDIA*: United States Capitol Visitor Center

  • *What? I could direct you to the CVC's direct site, but this page is more "entertaining", and less pedantic.

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