Wednesday, February 27, 2008

You can deal with this, or you can deal with that!

FILE UNDER: PRIMARIES: So fucking disco!

"You've got a friend in me!"

Earlier in a loft Downtown...

PUFF PUFF PASS. Al Gore. PUFF PUFF PASS. Hillary Clinton. PUFF PUFF PASS. Barack Obama. PUFF PUFF PASS. "John McCain scares me," says he who looks 15 with the Nikolai Fraiture haircut [the new [or old] Rachel for the hipster set], or as if he came with his cooler older brother. PUFF PUFF PASS. "WHAT!?@#?" PUFF PUFF PASS. "Wait a minute let me finish..."

"The Arizona senator is viewed favorably by 61% of all registered voters, including a plurality of Democrats.The survey showed that McCain's potential advantages extend even to domestic issues, where he is considered to be most vulnerable. Even though McCain has joked about his lack of expertise on economic issues, voters picked him over Obama, 42% to 34%, as being best able to handle the economy..."

Again, don't sleep homie. Don't sleep...

  • LOS ANGELES TIMES: McCain has edge over Democrats

  • Earlier...

  • Shawty is da shit?
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