Wednesday, December 17, 2014

in between the sheets.

a moment of clarity.


"...What’s truly depressing is the “cromnibus,” the continuing resolution just passed to fund the government — which contains a wide variety of sometimes obscure and often corrupt riders, and signals the start of plundering just about every good piece of legislation you can think of, including school nutrition.

By all means, it’s worrisome that two of the best things the Obamas have done in the realm of food — making school lunches healthier and showing people just how much and how badly they’re eating at chain restaurants — are under attack. But let’s not overlook the damage done by treacherous Democrats and reactionary Republicans who joined to pass a continuing resolution that embodies the worst of Washington deal-making. The only good that may come of it is that this preview of the new Congress should scare more of us into building a movement that will elect candidates who represent the majority of Americans come 2016.

...That corporations and their lobbyists have an edge over the rest of us is nothing new, although their power is now so absolute that the task ahead — prioritizing public over corporate well-being — seems impossible. (Paul Krugman put it best: “They’ve bought themselves a Congress.”) But inaction is a luxury we can’t afford, because things are getting worse. And they’re going to get better only if we organize.

...The 2014 election was a wake-up call; when the reactionaries fully take over Congress, not only school lunch standards but every standing bit of progressive legislation, from the new Affordable Care Act to the 42-year-old Clean Water Act, will be ruthlessly attacked. To defend these programs, we must recognize that politicians will not do anything smart unless they are pushed, and it’s up to us to push them."

THE NEW YORK TIMES: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet

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