Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Sweet Escape

Gwen Stefani performed The Sweet Escape on American Idol last night and it confirmed a few things for me:

1. I am still in love with her sophomore album, also titled The Sweet Escape.
2. As much as I love Wind It Up, this song translates so much better to the live arena than Wind It Up did.
3. This song is begging to be a hit based simply on the hook or refrain that gets stuck in your head factor. [The sing along WOO-HOOs]
4. Damn Akon, sit still for a minute. Trying to outdo R.Kelly in the singing on hooks dept.
5. Is Akon under the influence of something?
6. When she puts her mind to it, Gwen Stefani sure can sell a song, and all I can do is sit back and smile.

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