Friday, December 08, 2017


25/father john misty/pure comedy

Track Six, "Leaving LA". An album highlight, and its centerpiece. A perfect encapsulation of Father John Misty the artist, Father John Misty the man, and Father John Misty's Pure Comedy. Over the course of 13 minutes (yes, you read that correctly) and the album in general, Father John gives himself an ample amount of space to hold a mirror to his world, our world, and our habits and contradictions; slowly processing that which is reflected back at him in order to fine tune himself and see things more clearly. It is a wordy affair, almost resembling a ramble in parts, that never loses sight of its narrative, or loosens its firm grip on your undivided attention. It's total entertainment forever that is present and grounded in the moment. "Another white guy in 2017 who takes himself so goddamn seriously", who "never learned to play guitar", and "always more preferred the speaking part". And speak he does, plainly, clearly; backed by a rapturously lush soundscape that exists on the same orchestral folk plain as Beck's sterling, contemplative opus, Sea Change. If each other is all we got, as he reminds us at the top, we are lucky to have Father John Misty and the thoughts and conversations that make up Pure Comedy, around.

KEY TRACKS: Pure Comedy/Leaving LA/Smoochie

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