Thursday, December 12, 2013

big pimpin'.


"As the Internet gradually morphs into an extension of real life, indistinguishable from traditional existence, Snowden's relevance this year represents a sea change that affects not only our personal communications and whereabouts, but those we conduct in our imaginary worlds. NSA agents embedded in World of Warcraft, playing along with us while remaining spies, is a concept as absurd as it is reasonable. Virtual worlds are inhabited by real people after all, villains and creeps and teenagers and moms and every combination in between, and Snowden's leaks are as remarkable for what they say about our natural world as what they indicate about the World Wide Web. There is no difference anymore, and the secrecy we once believed we could achieve online is quickly eroding. It's a lot to digest, which alone probably should have sent Snowden sailing to the top of Time’s list. Chew on it while you picture NSA agents in suits, trying to figure out which one of these people is plotting against America. The jock in the lotus position looks pretty suspicious."

GRANTLAND: Then They Came for Our Avatars: The NSA Leaks Just Got (Virtually) Real

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