Monday, July 14, 2008

Art School Confidential.

FILE UNDER: REAL TALK: The New Yorker Edition.

PRIMARIES: Out of the Races & Onto the Tracks!


So when I first saw this magazine cover this morning I let the initial shock wash over me and was ready to turn into one of those raging liberals, quick to jump to internet, type without thinking and shout silently for all like-minded individuals and [dissenters] to see.

Then I took a walk.

And I thought about it. Aside from the obvious jump in sales the New Yorker will probably see from such a "sensationalist" cover, I also think they are trying to get at the outrageous stories, labels, and sensationalistic zeal applied to both Barack, Michelle, his actions, her actions, his words, their peeps, etc. since this race got up and running. The only trouble is, I don't know if many people will stop to think about that. Many, like me at the outset, will remain testy and pissed, or roll their eyes and/or suck their teeth and look away. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily saying this cover is "the business" so to speak, just saying that I think I understand what they are coming from, despite the fact that I haven't read a lick of the accompanying article nor can I remember at the moment if the New Yorker is a left-leaning news magazine. [It is right? Again, I don't know. I'm a Vanity Fair man myself.]

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