Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Conjunction Junction.

 An Ongoing Discussion/Moment of Clarity.


"In the strange period since August 21st, when the poison-gas attacks took place, the White House has seemed incapable of strategic thinking. The State Department seems incapable of coherent communication. Republicans who never raised a question about Iraq are now in full flight from the use of force because they don’t like the Commander-in-Chief. The United Nations can’t bring itself to condemn chemical weapons regardless of who’s using them. Assad’s war crime has turned into Obama’s embarrassment. Everything is upside down; nothing seems to be working as it should.

On Monday, the Times released results of a poll on Syria. Nearly two-thirds of Americans don’t think the United States should involve itself in solving foreign conflicts. For better or worse, we’ve decided that someone else should do this. “We’re pretty good at destroying regimes, but we’re not very good at setting up nations,” a sixty-nine-year-old Virginian named Anne Walsh told the pollsters. “We cannot resolve someone else’s civil war through force,” Obama told the country. That is the legacy of these past twelve years."

THE NEW YORKER: Obama’s Speech: A Cause Already Lost


Smooth Operator. 

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