Thursday, January 13, 2011


A Moment of Clarity.


"...Every time the president speaks publicly, the nation is reminded that the caricature of him that dominates the conservative media, the racist, socialist tyrant who "sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists" is so utterly ridiculous that the ubiquity of these smears defies comprehension.

While conservatives have found a million different ways to accuse the president of not loving his country, the truth is that Obama is never more effective than when he talks about why he loves it, as he did in Tucson last night, before exhorting Americans to "do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children's expectations." As Jonathan Bernstein wrote, "What happened in Tucson on Saturday was an attack on democracy. What the President of the United States did in his speech in Tucson was democracy fighting back."...

  • THE WASHINGTON POST: Obama's Tucson moment
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