Thursday, August 13, 2009

Freedom 09.

A Moment of Clarity.

It's been a cruel, cruel Summer. Icons have left us, uncertainty is ever present, and shit continues to hit the fan. And this scares us, this haunts us, hangs over us like a dark cloud, til the sun peers through, if only for a minute, to let us know that everything is gonna be alright. But still, it's not enough, as is evidenced by this world we currently reside in, this collection of states we call the U.S.A. Stimulus, Recovery, Cash, Clunkers, Healthcare. Hope, Change, Money, Division. "We're Mad as Hell and We're Not Gonna Take it Anymore!" "What's Going On?" "Let Me Talk!" "LET ME FINISH!" "Sit Down!" "SHUT UP!" Socialism, Communism, Ageism, Death Panels, Outrage, Supply, & Demand. Questions, Answers, uncertainty, revolution(?), evolution(?), televised,


"It's enough to make a brotha go crazy!"

And it nearly is.

My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. For thee I weep. Because of thee I scratch my head. Because of thee I sit in disbelief, stressed, worrying about things bigger than me, stopping all the world now to think of thee, pray for thee, and wonder what happened to this collective "we".

But not last night. For a minute all was alright. The sun peered through the clouds. I put the magazine down, and I smiled for thee, I wept for thee, with a smile so big the whole world could see. Because of this change presented below, this ovewhelming dosage of generosity. One nation together under a groove. No hang ups, no gripes, and nothing to prove. My country, my country, land of liberty...You got me, you moved me, of thee I sing.

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