Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Twist and Shout.

FILE UNDER: Words/A Quick Peep/How the other half lives.

A Moment of Clarity.

The following article and its accompanying headline put a huge smile on my face. Now of course, I'm no Black female, but I am a young black man with two younger sisters who can recall seeing a pressing or two of some hair in our kitchen as a child, as well as tears of agony, and/or a refusal to sit still when it came time for the hair to be combed for the day/church/school/holidays. It's the same smile/warm feeling I get whenever I see Barack Obama on television and think and/or say to myself, "Man, my president has a fade." And it's a smile/warm feeling that I am sure will repeat itself many a time during the next 4 (or 8?) years.

  • THE ROOT: TWIST AND SHOUT: Why Malia's hair speaks to me.
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I love how Michelle, Malia & Sasha are mainstreaming hair politics: Chic, youthful, sexy, this 'do is no don't.