Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Hollows.


"I'm John McCain, and I approve this nonsense."

Can we skip ahead to Novemeber already? Can the Democrats pick a fucking candidate to rally behind already? Can we look into this long drawn out Electoral College madness? Please? Please? Cause if we don't we're gonna have a long seven months ahead of us, full of stories on Obama bowling, Clinton's feminine/masculine dichotomies, and, of course, pandering. Lots and lots of pandering.

Don't believe me?

Peep this:

"I’m honored to have Heidi’s support and I want to assure her that I never miss an episode of 'The Hills,' especially since the new season started." - John McCain

Quick, somebody put him in a room full of teenagers and ask him if he prefers boxers or briefs. Or the joys of marijuana. I'm looking in your direction MTV.

[Brought to you by the folks over at
  • TIME.]
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