Thursday, July 14, 2016

a moment of clarity.


"...The despicable litanies of willfully ignorant denial and misinformation I have heard spouted from pieces of shit like Rudy Giuliani in the last several days all but ensure that things will get worse. The mainstream media outlets allow this utter crap to slide by unchallenged and, by doing so, legitimize falsehoods that could get people killed. Ratings-based, 24/7, for-profit media is the complete death of true journalism and a catapult for propaganda.

If white America experienced a fraction of what black America deals with regarding law enforcement, incarceration, the court system, employment and countless other facts of life, they would immediately and collectively lose their minds.

...I live solidly in one of the Americas but have been aware of other Americas for decades. For the last week, I have heard politicians use a phrase that nauseates me whenever I hear anyone say it. The need to “come together.” To that I say, “You first, motherfucker.”

...Don’t wait for your government. It’s a broken machine that can only deliver damaged goods. Prejudice coats the mechanics of the USA’s OS. Attempts to clean the parts are attacked as big government, special-interest meddling. It’s by no means a Gordian knot, but a total system re-tool is required. It would be incredibly expensive, time consuming and the growing pains would be enormous. Not gonna happen.

Equality, tolerance and decency are not inherently American or human traits. They are values you choose to adopt and use or not. So, be amazing all the time."

L.A. WEEKLY: Henry Rollins: White America Couldn't Handle What Black America Deals With Every Day

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