Thursday, June 18, 2015

a moment of clarity.


"Call it what it is. Terrorism. Racism. Hatred. It is all of those things.

But there are things we should not call it: Random. Unpredictable. Isolated.

...People will tell me not to jump to conclusions, to wait until all the facts are in. Just like they told me about Ferguson, about Baltimore, about every other time a black person got killed by a white person. I will tell them that I think we have enough evidence to safely make that jump. I think we can hear words like “I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go” and make some pretty safe goddamn assumptions about a pretty unsafe goddamn world.

People sometimes say that we overstate the race problems in America. That we complain about inequality where there is none, that we see racism around every corner. You want to know why we see racism around every corner? Because racism is around every fucking corner. You may not see it, but it’s there. You may think this is isolated, but it’s not. So blacks and other minorities live in fear. They live in fear of the angry gunman, of the paranoid neighborhood watch volunteer, of the police that should be protecting them. And all of those people — the gunman, the neighborhood watch, the cop — all of them became that way because of fear. The fear that society — that America has created..."

PAJIBA: I Don't Know How Much More Heartbreak I Can Take

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