Friday, November 21, 2014


an ongoing discussion/moment of clarity.


"Markets, especially new ones, involve continuous exploration. Prices and offerings shift as buyers explore what is available at various prices and sellers explore what they can afford to offer at those prices. If the market works well, the process should lead to greater consumer satisfaction and more efficiency; in this case, better care at lower cost. The proponents of the Affordable Care Act don’t claim the law is perfect. The act’s markets are in their infancy. Both buyers and sellers need more information. The rules will have to be adjusted as experience accumulates.

But millions of people do have health coverage who didn’t have it two years ago. The markets are working pretty well and exploration is happening, consumers are learning and more insurers are testing the market. Should believers in market forces try to gut the Affordable Care Act? Heavens, no. They should seize this huge opportunity to prove their case by helping to make the law’s markets work effectively."

THE WASHINGTON POST: People who wanted market-driven health care now have it in the Affordable Care Act

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