Wednesday, April 02, 2014

(baby) i surrender.

an ongoing discussion/moment of clarity. 


"In addition to (Sheldon) Adelson, two of the world’s other top-10 billionaires, David and Charles Koch (combined net worth: $81 billion) are pouring tens of millions into the 2014 midterm elections in an effort to swing the Senate to Republican control. These and other wealthy people, their political contributions unleashed by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, are buying the U.S. political system in much the same way Russian oligarchs have acquired theirs. (Super-rich liberals such as Tom Steyer are spending some of their fortunes to help Democrats, but they are pikers by comparison.) Spending by super PACs, a preferred vehicle of billionaires, will surpass spending by all candidates combined this year, predicts Kantar Media, which tracks political advertising.

This pay-to-play culture is, at best, unseemly. What makes it ugly is when it becomes obvious just how much the wealthy corporate interests get in return..."

THE WASHINGTON POST: GOP candidates kiss up to billionaire Sheldon Adelson


SLATE: The Shocking Rise of Wealth Inequality: Is it Worse Than We Thought?

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