Friday, August 31, 2012

A Moment of Clarity.


 "American politics is very different from, say, politics in Britain — where parties and voters take policy platforms more seriously, because in a parliamentary system the winners actually get to implement their plans. In the U.S., where politics has long been more about personalities than policies (and gridlock almost certainly awaits the winner in our system of dispersed power), a different calculation for presidential aspirants applies.

...Romney’s campaign thus enters the home stretch operating on the same mega-calculation with which it began — that in time of economic anxiety and high unemployment, a man with Romney’s background and accomplishments is a highly credible alternative.

...anxieties in the Obama camp may be heightened now that it’s clear from Romney’s performance that the man is a clutch player. He tossed off with aplomb the zinger that made Obama seem grandiose with his talk of “halting the rise of the oceans” and “healing the planet.” Plainspoken Mitt, by contrast, will just be out to help you and your family.

...This race was always going to go down to the wire. We’ll see next week how deftly Democrats can make their case (and their rebuttal). I wish the regressive, phony, and troubling nature of many of Romney’s actual policy ideas mattered more. They may not. And that’s depressing."

THE WASHINGTON POST: Mitt Romney’s ideas don’t matter

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