Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Downward Spiral.

An Ongoing Discussion.

Words. For Your Consideration...

"... The dream of Americans, as opposed to the mythical American Dream, was not to succeed by working hard but to get lucky or be born rich. As a nation, we were both. We were rich in timber and oil, fertile land and rivers that ran the right way. We took in immigrants by the millions, each one a human piggy bank filled in the Old World, emptied in the new. We got smug about it. We were the exception. We could spend. We didn’t have to conserve. We had a chaotic education system, 14,000 or so school boards run by people who had to pander to the voters.

Now, it seems, it has all come a cropper. The mayor of New York, Michael R. Bloomberg (I), broods on his radio program about the unemployed rioting in the streets. The governor of Ohio, John Kasich (R), told a group of journalists, “I’m worried about this country. For the first time in my life, I’m worried about this country.” A kind of depression has set in, not — or not yet — an economic one but one of the spirit. You hear it everywhere. We’ve lost our mojo, our groove..."

THE WASHINGTON POST: A downwardly mobile nation

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