Thursday, September 03, 2009

Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga...


"Back when that song "Beautiful" was all over the radio, a DJ friend of mine once said, "The devil didn't invent rock and roll for James Blunt." And I can't help but agree, as a woman raised on filthy Prince lyrics, Madonna writhing to "Like A Virgin" (at the VMAs!) and sexual innuendo in George Michael hits. Lots of people can sing. Lots of people write songs. Pop music should be more that that. Not a lot of people sing well, or write catchy songs; Lady Gaga does both. But more importantly: Lady Gaga makes it exciting. Titillating, unexpected. With Muppet coats, teacups, awful (untrue) hermaphrodite rumors and general pantslessness. Without her, pop would be a bland landscape right now..."

I second that emotion. Now if we could just work on producing a straight up start to finish bangin' ass LP...In due time ladies and gents. In due time...

  • JEZEBEL: In Defense Of Lady Gaga, Whose VMA Performance "Will Inspire A Movement"
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