Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oh Word?

"You got a friend in me!"


"It's clear by now that President Barack Obama wants to turn the United States into something more like Germany or Belgium -- a "social democracy" in which redistribution ("spread the wealth around," as Mr. Obama explained to Joe the Plumber during the campaign) is an expanding government's main concern.

Europe, for its part, has reciprocated our president's apparent love of their system by treating him like a messiah. He is the man, they sense, who will finally make good on George H.W. Bush's famous promise in 1988 to make America a "kinder and gentler nation."

Alas, this mutual love is self-defeating. That's because Mr. Obama will doom the low-growth, weak-defense European model to the extent he gets the U.S. to emulate it.

...The great irony here is that the European model American leftists envy couldn't survive without its despised cowboy counterparty. If the U.S. economy weakens because of increased regulation, heavy-handed unionization, and higher taxes and debt to support an expensive social agenda -- all policies Mr. Obama and the Democrats in Congress are pushing hard -- it will hurt Europe."

  • THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Europe Should Hope Obama Fails
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