Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 Days, 100 Nights.

Holla Back!


"...the first 100 days have been brisk, if entirely too long. And action-packed. Obama has done so much, so fast, that our heads spin. If this is not a tactic, it should be. He seems blessed with the immaculate timing in which events don’t just open a window, but nuke the building. In breezes Obama with his team of carpenters. While Americans were distracted with lost jobs and decimated savings, Team Obama re-landscaped the American Dream with spending and future debts that are beyond our comprehension. Now comes the perfect storm of avian, swine and human flu, just in time for a national health plan. Timing really is everything.

Here’s the thing about Obama: He’s a completely new deal. We’ve never see this character before. Each day is a new play and we’re not quite sure how this particular narrative arcs. All of that makes us a bit uneasy, as it should. But my truest sense of Obama is that he thinks hard about each issue and that his mind is open. He is still finding out how to be president, listening instead of talking; watching and measuring, as children from disrupted childhood learn to do."

  • THE DAILY BEAST: Obama as Muhammad Ali
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