Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I second that emotion!

Yeah...it was one of THOSE nights.

We had spent the entire night in the basement of some makeshift home/art gallery Downtown, acting a fool, being all loud, dropping drinks, and being all up in people's pictures. But now, [insert T-money's head roll here] it was time to go! And it was time to eat. And by time to eat, I mean it was time to get some late night Mexican [God bless living in Los Angeles].

And you best believe that we had stepped our game up. Gone were the late night trips to Del Taco or Taco Bell*; NO...NO...NO! It was all about Taco Zone, Burrito King, and this place. This place on Santa Monica Blvd that Mark-Boogie just knew we would enjoy and need to devour.

Roll up out of downtown LA, hit up Santa Monica and Vermont.

What is this place?

And why is it still poppin?

I mean, like packed. Speaking of which, let's a take a minute to analyze this crowd. Now this is Los Angeles and this is Vermont north of the Black neighborhoods. And this is Santa Monica Blvd on the outskirts of Downtown, so the fact that the place is full of Hispanics should come as no surprise to anyone.

Now let's take a minute to talk about said Hispanics.

Los Angelinos, go back to high school for a minute. Remember all those pretty boy hip-hop loving, crisp white t-wearing, light eyes, low fade and/or corn row having Hispanic fellas with the low key demeanor and chill like attitudes. Imagine all them in one setting...but 50-75% gay...some with flamboyantly gay counterparts.


I have never seen so many young gay and/or bisexual Hispanic men in one setting in my life. I mean, we get out the car and the first thing we are hit with is a short Bizzy Bone looking dude with a much taller [much drunker] boy on his arm voguing his way into oblivion. Shit, I thought he was gonna take me out, til Bizzy roped him in. Talk about a show.

And to think all I came for was a burrito and maybe a few tacos.**

  • LAIST: Late Night Eats: El Gran Burrito aka Midnight Tacos

  • *I just want to say Big Ups to all those around me in my inner circle who are currently doing the damn thing and working out on their free time, jogging, lifting weights, stretching, ditching fast food, etc. It's quite inspiring.

    **Oh and don't think I didn't come up on them there tacos and a Carne Asada burrito. [And ten thousand to go hot sauce tins] That shit was on hit. Gotta go back.

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