Saturday, January 23, 2016

a moment of clarity.


for your consideration... 

"As a song, “White Privilege II” is too unwieldy to be a calculating chess move by a surreptitious white messiah. As a single from one of the country’s biggest pop stars, it’s both confusing and subversive. But as a thinkpiece, it’s a laptop-burner. This song’s sentiment, an audio-only Schoolhouse Rock episode on “How to Not Be a ‘Basic’ Bro,” will ring louder than the most-retweeted hot take, or any special issue of The Atlantic. It’s moving the discourse from the intellectual ivory tower and into the suburban homes of pop music fans. Is it a bit basic? Well, yeah. But so is America."

FLAVORWIRE: Macklemore’s “White Privilege II” Is an Open Letter to Basic White Bros Everywhere (and Their Moms)

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