Wednesday, November 05, 2014

piano in the dark.

a moment of clarity.


"It’s “morning in America again,” Cory Gardner proclaimed—an echo, almost obligatory for a Republican, of Ronald Reagan. If so, it’s not the kind of morning in which the rising sun casts a new light on the landscape. It’s more the kind of morning when you wake up and find—despite your dreams—a sour taste in your mouth, and pretty much the same reality you shut your eyes against last night, and the night before that, when you turned out the light. The return of a Republican Senate changes nothing other than to make worse everything that Americans dislike about Washington, and for increasingly good reason: its smugness, its bitterness, its indifference to the hopes and struggles of so many of the people who voted last night."

THE NEW YORKER: The Message in Republican Victory Speeches

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