Tuesday, March 20, 2012


A Moment of Clarity. 


"Thus far, the 2012 presidential campaign has been unfocused, dispiriting and largely irrelevant. By the time Election Day comes, a weary nation will be at the point of pulling the covers over its head and screaming, “Somebody, please, make it stop.”
What’s that? You say we’re there already?

“Both sides are to blame” is usually a cop-out, but in this case it’s true. President Obama has conducted a more reality-based campaign than the Republicans vying to run against him in the fall, but that’s not saying much. Arguably, it’s not saying anything at all, since the GOP primaries seem to be taking place in some parallel universe.

...With so little inspiration coming from the Republican side, the field is open for Obama to raise our hopes and fire our dreams. So far, he has declined the opportunity.

...We need more than actuarial calculations about how many more years we have until Social Security benefits need to be adjusted. We need a goal — something more practical than a moon base. We need a mission. We need a reason to get out of bed on Election Day."

THE WASHINGTON POST: A campaign that’s gotten stuck in a rut

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