Wednesday, April 27, 2011

X Games.


"Republicans have a problem. Their base is killing them.

...Which is to say that the loopy, enraged divorce from reality of the Tea Potniks has infected the entire party.

...The joke, however, may be on Rove and those reality-based Republicans trying to figure out a way to defeat Obama in the next election. If Rove really wanted to stop Trump and the birthers in their tracks, he should have looked Fox News viewers straight in the camera’s eye and told them to change the channel.

...If the espousal of birtherism truly becomes a necessity for winning the Republican presidential nomination, the right’s war on empiricism will have served not merely to build and mobilize a base, but also to isolate that base from the majority of Americans who still inhabit, at least most of the time, a reality-based universe..."

  • THE WASHINGTON POST: Republicans are being held hostage by their base
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